A great (guffaw) year 2007 piggie start!!
Its already 2007 and its not that I'm lazy to post (well, that's 70% lazy) and 30% unknown of why I haven't started anything with my stagnant, stinking blog.. hehehe.
First and foremost, i am glad to announce that.... I have a new boyfriend!! and He's called the fire piggie!!! He has lots of presents for me in the new year!!! just imagine!!
Aside from an ironic thing that a pastor whose a long time employee did to us, the piggie has a lot on his snout for us this year. That includes a visit or two to our favorite white washed buildings (Metro and Makati Med) and a big shock of reality that my mom has cancer and I'm born as a Cancer too!! Cool news huh? :) And to spice things up, you will know that your dad is too old not when his head is grey and white, but its when his bladder goes too slow and his elastic band is stretched too much and his bp shots up to 190.. thats what we call dangerous driving... Inspite of these... still insists that he's alright and doesn't want to admit himself to the hospital...
Inspite of these, with all the hospital bills, duck bills and lotsa bills piling high, 2007 fire piggie just doesn't want to let us up... no sales, not even a sales girl... wheck... and lets our new car be "baptized" with a new makeup!!
wonder what next week will bring... the saying that one day at a time is much too "exciting" for me.. maybe tomorrow I'll have a new husband and you might not even know it!!! maybe a grandkid as well!!! things are too fastforwarding themselves... hahahhaah!!!!
What a wonderful boyfriend he is isn't it kids??? Don't even care if my english is taglish or japlish anymore.. just typish my thinkish awayish... hahahha!!!
This mrs fire piggie will want to extend her greatest and sincerest gratitude to all the people who helped this newly wed piggie during her most exciting moments... The donkey is now a piggiee!!! hehehe!! NOT!!! :D
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