Wednesday, June 27, 2007

...Burpday Greetings...

List of well wishers for my happee birthday...

Happy birthday by fred C. All Rights Reserved 2007 - by Fred Cheung 9:20am 6/26/07

Hi. advance hape-b-day :-) will be bz tom. para di ko makalimutan :-) hope d Lord will bless u withgud health and a lifetym partner who will take good care of you. :-) - by Lilibeth 8:07pm 6/26/07

Hapi b-day. :-) - Lilibeth 8:58am 6/27/07

Happy berfday hehe, 10min b4 12 - by Charles Fule 11:50pm 6/26/07

Ei sis gmawnin! happy birthday! - by Cheanne 7:53am 6/27/07

Happy birthday! Have a great day ahead! - by Jet 7:51am 6/27/07

a "CHEER" to wake you up.
a "SMILE" to mark the day's beginning
a "SONG" to lighten up your heart.
a "PRAYER" to bless ur special day.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! - by Lucy Asuncion 7:55am 6/27/07

Gud am! Pam, happy bday! - by Zennia 8:24am 6/27/07

Good morning uuuu and HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY u - by Stephen/Beancurd 8:59am 6/27/07
How can I forget d bday of such a beautiful girl like you God bless you too hope u have a hapi day 2day uuuuuuu - by Stephen/Beancurd 9:20am 6/27/07

Hapi hapi birthday may ol ur prayers be answered. wishing u all the best always. lykwise same greetings to ur mami. - by Aunt Jenny 9:07am 6/27/07

Hi pam! Hapi bdaY u- by Ken 10:06am 6/27/07

Happy happy pamie! I wish dat u'll be able to collect good men >_< den afterwards select d 1 dat is right 4. Hehe be hapi always n njoy lyf! Hapi birthday - by Jackie 9:41am 6/27/07

A special prayer for u is the only gift i can share everyday. May ds mesage of care add joy 2 ur life! Happy Birthday to u and ur mom!! God bless you!! - Melba 10:22am 6/27/07

Warm Greeting Calls from Cheanne w/ her bro singin happy bday on the background, Lilibeth and Jonathan Roque...

Thank you all for your warm greetings!! You made my day shine! ^^

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

不后悔的决定 - 明道 & 祝钒刚

OH 我爱你你爱我一次够不够
OH 就是你就是我



遗忘 - 明道 & 黄玉荣

好不好 我想知道
离开我以后 是否很幸福
忘不了 又得不到
这痛苦 又太清楚

where are U now 现在过的好不好
I'll be home 等待你的回答

Don't say goodbye 等你回来
突然的离开 叫我如何能释怀
我会更勇敢 只要你回来

where are U now 现在过的好不好
I'll be home 等待你的回答
where are U now 别再假装记不了
我的好 被你通通都遗忘掉

where are U now 现在的你好不好
不重要 你已不再爱我
where are U now 别再装作你忘了
我的好 早就被你都遗忘掉

where are U took it away from me
I will hold on for ever more

别擦去 这最美好的过去

where are U took it away from me
I will hold on for ever more



从头 - 明道 & 黄玉荣 & 祝钒刚

你是光 散发着能量
我害怕 失去了方向
please don't go 你不再爱我
你忘记 曾给我的承诺
please don't go 什么都别说
空气里 只剩我一个难过
都忘掉 我对你的好
我清楚 什么叫幸福
please don't go 你不再爱我
你忘记 曾给我的承诺
please don't go 什么都别说
空气里 只剩我一个难过
please 从头 好好的爱我
不可以 让一个人承受
please 从头 什么都别说
我愿意 重新的和你生活

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

50 Lessons in Life

By Regina Brett, The Plain Dealer, Cleveland , Ohio .

Regina said, "To celebrate growing older, I once wrote the 45 lessons life taught me. It is the most-requested column I've ever written. My odometer rolls over to 50 this week, so here's an update":

1. Life isn't fair, but it's still good.
2. When in doubt, just take the next small step.
3. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.
4. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.
5. Pay off your credit cards every month.

6. You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.
7. Cry with someone. It's more healing than crying alone.
8. It's OK to get angry with God. He can take it.
9. Save for retirement starting with your first paycheck.
10. When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile.

11. Make peace with your past so it won't screw up the present.
12. It's OK to let your children see you cry.
13. Don't compare your life to others'. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
14. If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn't be in it.
15. Everything can change in the blink of an eye. But don't worry; God never blinks.

16. Life is too short for long pity parties. Get busy living, or get busy dying.
17. You can get through anything if you stay put in today.
18. A writer writes. If you want to be a writer, write.
19. It's never too late to have a happy childhood. But the second one is up to you and no one else.
20. When it comes to going after what you love in life, don't take no for an answer.

21. Burn the candles, use the nice sheets, and wear the fancy lingerie. Don't save it for a special occasion. Today is special.
22. Over-prepare, then go with the flow.
23. Be eccentric now. Don't wait for old age to wear purple.
24. The most important sex organ is the brain.
25. No one is in charge of your happiness except you.

26. Frame every so-called disaster with these words: "In five years, will this matter?"
27. Always choose life.
28. Forgive everyone everything.
29. What other people think of you is none of your business.
30. Time heals almost everything. Give time time.

31. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.
32. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends will. Stay in touch.
33. Believe in miracles.
34. God loves you because of who God is, not because of anything you did or didn't do.
35. Whatever doesn't kill you really does make you stronger.

36. Growing old beats the alternative -- dying young.
37. Your children get only one childhood. Make it memorable.
38. Read some good books. They cover every human emotion.
39. Get outside every day. Miracles are waiting everywhere.
40. If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's, we'd grab ours back.

41. Don't audit life. Show up and make the most of it now.
42. Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful.
43. All that truly matters in the end is that you loved.
44. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.
45. The best is yet to come.

46. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.
47. Take a deep breath. It calms the mind.
48. If you don't ask, you don't get.
49. Yield.
50. Life isn't tied with a bow, but it's still a gift.

on Family.. (loving your Dysfunctional Family)

How to Be More Emotionally Present to Your Family
No Matter How Busy You Are
6 Steps to Enjoying Your True Wealth
By Bo Sanchez
We were going to Hong Kong that day.
I was going to preach for three days but had two extra days to be with my family.
Picture us at the airport: My wife carrying our baby in her arms, my eldest son bouncing about like a rabbit and announcing to the whole world, “I’m going to Hong Kong Disneyland!” And the poor skinny father? Straining to push eight massive bags on a wobbly cart with a stubborn right wheel. (I’ve noticed that these deranged carts supernaturally end up with me wherever I go.)
That was when we heard the crying.
Correction. Not crying. But spine-chilling, lung-busting screaming.
Two kids were holding onto their mother. They were separated by four-foot tall steel bars. But to those distraught children, those steel bars represented two years of being without their mother — the contract of a domestic helper in Hong Kong .
Four small arms clutching, grabbing, not letting go.
The whole world heard their pleading scream, “Mommy, please don’t go! Please don’t go!”
I’ll never forget the mother’s pained, tortured face — as though a knife was ripping through her body.
My wife cried openly.
I wept inside and held onto my kids more closely.
That was two days ago.
Yesterday, the story continued…

Those Small Arms Continue to Reach Out

Yesterday was Sunday.
And I walked around Central.
If you don’t know Hong Kong, Central is where thousands upon thousands of Filipina Domestic Helpers congregate. They sit on sidewalks. They sit on overpasses. They sit by storefronts.
I walked passed one woman who was reading a handwritten letter.
The handwriting was obviously a child’s penmanship.
I walked passed another listening to a little cassette player — not to listen to music — but to a voice of a kid telling stories.
But what broke my heart was the news given to me by Shirley, the head of one organization that tries to help them get financial education. I was shocked by what she said. “Brother Bo, out of our 700 members who are married, 80% are already separated from their husbands.”
Families aren’t designed for prolonged separation.
They’re not just made for that.
We’re supposed to spend time together.

6 Steps to Spending More Time with Your Family
No Matter How Busy You Are

“Bo, why are you telling me this? I’m not in Hong Kong . I’m living with my family under one roof.”
Listen. Yes, you’re not in Hong Kong .
But if you don’t have time for your family — and your heart is not focused on them — you might as well be in another country.
You could be physically present — but are you emotionally present as well?
Let me share with you five important steps you could take to become more emotionally present with them…

Step #1: Be Close.

I’m still in Hong Kong as I write this piece.
It’s five in the morning as I type this article in bed.
And my little family is literally around me because we’re all sleeping on one bed. Yes, we’ve become one mass jumble of intertwined humanity — our limbs, legs and arms crisscrossing each other.
And that’s when I realize — gosh, I don’t know how blessed I am.
Here I am with my family. I feel their skin. I smell their scents. We’re so close, I feel their breath.
And yet I’m surrounded by 148,000 domestic helpers here in Hong Kong that have been away from their families for months, for years, for decades. And for those who’ve separated — forever.
Let me say it again: We don’t know how blessed we are.
We complain that our families are nutty.
But we don’t understanding how blessed we are to have them close enough to experience their nuttiness.
We complain about our petty quarrels, our cold wars, our dysfunctionality.
But whose family isn’t dysfunctional?
I’ve talked to some people here in Hong Kong who would give anything to be with their families again — even for just one day of nuttiness.
The first step is to be more emotionally present to your family is to actually be physically present to them. Be close!
You need to know how precious your family is — and treat them that way.
You need to see them as your true wealth — that nothing is more precious than your relationships

Step #2: Be Deliberate.

Because you need to protect this treasure or they get stolen from you.
No matter how busy I am, I schedule a weekly romantic date with my spouse.
Yes, I actually write it down in my appointment book and treat it like a meeting with the President of the Philippines . These weekly nights are blocked off for the entire year. Nothing can touch it, except some dire emergency.
Why? Because if my marriage fails, everything else stands to fail as well: My ministry, my businesses, my soul… So it is an emergency that I bring her out every week.
I also schedule a weekly date with my kids.
I believe parents need to do these one-on-one dates with each of their kids. Unless of course you’ve got 18 children and may need to bring them out by two’s or three’s.
Sometimes my son and I just walk around the village and talk.
It doesn’t have to be big. But swapping stories and opening our hearts to one another on a consistent basis is already very big to them. It means they matter to you — that you value them — and you’ll see their self-esteem grow.

Step #3: Be Expressive.

I tell my wife “I love you” seven times a day.
I hug my kids countless of times a day.
At night, I tell my kids, “I’m so proud you’re my son. I’m so proud I’m your Daddy. You’re a genius. You’re a loving boy. You’re an incredibly gifted young man…”
This is true. I have met 40-year olds who long to hear these words from their parents — “I’m proud of you,” and feel an empty space — like a gaping wound in their souls because their parents have never told them this.
Don’t do that to your kids.
And before I forget: Praise your kids seven times a day.
And praise your spouse seven times a day.
I’m not kidding. It will revolutionize your marriage.
If I say, “Criticize your spouse seven times a day,” I bet you’d say, “Kaunti naman. I do that already.” But that’s the problem. We don’t realize that when we criticize our spouses, we actually destroy our marriage bit by bit — not just our spouses.
But when you praise and honor your spouse — you build up your marriage.
It can be very simple stuff:
Ang sarap ng luto mo ngayon, Hon.
I thank God He gave you to me.
You’re so hardworking.
I love it when I see you play with the kids.
You know how to make me happy.
Ganda mo ngayon.
Keep on doing this and you’ll see changes in your life and your marriage you thought were not possible.
Let me say it again: Praise your spouse — and your children — seven times a day.

Step #4: Be Deep.

Your weekly dates shouldn’t just be watching movies, eating out and going home.
Talk deep.
Talk about your feelings.
Enter into each other’s worlds. Dive into each other’s dreams, hurts, desires, worries, hopes and burdens.
When you open yourself up to your spouse or your child, there are more chances for the other person to open up to you.

Step #5: Be Simple

Yesterday afternoon, I preached to 700 people in Hong Kong .
I usually give my talks for 45 minutes. That’s been my trademark.
But yesterday, I gave a solid two-hour talk. Vein-popping, heart-pounding, passion-driven talk — because I had a burden in my heart.
Because I preached on Financial Literacy.
I challenged them, “Raise your financial I.Q.!”
I scolded them, “When you left the Philippines , you told your kids, ‘Anak, two years of separation lang ‘to. After two years, Mommy will have saved enough and will go home and we’ll be together again.’ But after two years, you go home and you haven’t saved. Because you repainted the house. Because there’s a new TV set in the living room and a new gas range in the kitchen. Because the kids have new designer rubber shoes.
I taught them how to live simply and ruthlessly save 20% of their income.
Because unless they do this, they will be forever trapped in Hong Kong .
Look at your life.
Are you living simply?
Are you saving 20% of your income?

Step #6: Be Financially Intelligent

I also taught them where to invest.
I told them, “It’s not enough to just save. You need to know where to put your money. Because savings accounts at 1% and time deposits at 5% won’t do. Inflation — which is at 7% — will simply eat them up.”
So I taught them about mutual funds and other investment vehicles, including the ability to sell something and get into business.
Here’s the truth: The more you know about money, the less time you need to make money. So the more time you have for your family.
Actually, a time should come when you don’t need to make money. Instead, you let money make money. And that requires financial intelligence.
Read. Attend seminars. Look for mentors.

Go Home.

After giving my talk, I took a deep breath and told my audience in Hong Kong , “When you follow these principles and have saved enough — please go home. Please go home to your children.”
I made a lot of people cry that day.
I’m telling you the same thing.
Oh yes, you may be living with your family in one house, but it’s possible that your heart is so far away from your spouse and kids — and they are far away from you as well.
You need to let your heart go home.

Go home my friend.

Your heart belongs there.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Leaning Hard on God

When facing the uncertain tomorrow, and when all else is against you, you have no one to turn to, not even one. Coz those meaning to help you can't provide you with the strength that you need, neither can they bring any hope. Putting your hope in the strength of others is also futile. In these moments, all i could do is play songs and keep a brave face all day long. Assuring myself that all is well.
Thank God that He is still there for me. When things go not too well, He is just there, telling me that He knows what I feel, coz he also became human.
Here is another peek of my entry in my morning devotion... Streams Sept 12

Child of My love, lean hard, And let me feel the pressure of your care;
I know your burden, child, I shaped it;
Balanced it in Mine own hand; made no proportion
In its weight to your unaided strength,
For even as I laid it on, I said,
"I will be near, and while she leans on Me,
This burden will be Mine, not hers;
So will I keep My child within the circling arms of My own love."
Here lay it down, nor fear
To impose it on a shoulder that upholds the government of worlds.
Yet closer come;
You are not near enough. I would embrace your care;
So I might feel My child reclining on My breast.
You loved Me. I know. So then do not doubt;
But loving me, LEAN HARD."

One could only learn to appreciate these words when one is in deep trouble. Otherwise, these words will only be taken in passing, without any thought. Praise God that He constantly gives us grace to sustain us in our current situation.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

When God shouts...

Longest time since I last blogged something coz I usually write down thoughts in a journal, far from prying eyes. But these things that happen are just too good not to blog.. So hopefully will take a time out of ur eyelids and may the pixie dust not be spread over your eyes while reading.. :D

Funny when you ask God for something, He always, always answers back in riddle format, or some obscure language that we can't understand? Well just yesterday, while i was feeling the blues, I asked God to actually shout His will at me. Coz I'm the person whose a bit deaf and blind.

To excuse you guys from the boredom of these all, i just wanna share the devotion I had a while ago, coz yesterday I was really feeling bluer than blue and downcast than the clouded sky. I felt like I was suffocating from the air inside that I needed to breathe... so I went out yesterday, purposely to buy some tennis balls (but the store was closed due to lunch time) and at the same time to get some outside air and rethink all that has been happening... Everything seems to be so fast paced now. With 3 years into isolation and constant cry to God "Why? Why don't you want to paint that part of my life?" and i became so accustomed to work and the sobreity of life, when suddenly, God decides to haul you off and cast of some fellow characters for you to decide. And then comes the part where I fear most, the part where things seem to go against the tide and became the whole entire reason I decided to back out from the game in the first place. But i feel that God wants me not to escape this chance once again. He wants me to learn from this time around. And lessons. Yes there were lessons.

First would be: don't put your heart at stake. Keep everything paced (That would be easy to say, hard to comply, harder to do)
Secondly, you don't choose, or you loose. Give God the right to choose and whatever the outcome maybe, rest assured that He meant best for you.
Third, learning to submit. That of course goes well with the second lesson. Coz if you voice out your opinions, you will never, ever learn to submit.

Amazingly, my morning devotion coincides with the lesson that I should learn, coinciding with the devotional I have read today, is exactly the pastor's message today... so what more do i need to hear God's voice? I find God genuinely humorous as I heard the songs sang "Faithful Father" and "Olives that had known no pressure"... those of which were the songs I actually came through a while ago...

The sermon awhile ago was on Joseph and how God molded him to be Egypt's finest governor. It was not in his household where Jacob's love abound that God perfected Joseph, but it was 10years serving under Potiphar and 3 more years in prison, where his good deeds were forgotten and where he was unjustly accused of doing. For in All things. All things, God works for the good of those who love him. Who were called According to his purpose.

Well look how similar it is to my morning read from Streams in the Desert Sept 10 entry...

Psalm 138:8 "The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me"

When a person who suffers reaches a point where he can be calm and carefree, inwardly smiling at his own suffering, and no longer asking God to be delivered from it, then the suffering has accomplished its blesses ministry, perseverance has "finished its work" and the pain of the Crucifixion has begun to weave itself into a crown.
It is in this condition, our entire being lies perfectily still under the hand of God, every power and ability of the mind, will, and heart are at last submissive; a quiteness of eternity settles into the entire soul; and finally, the mouth becomes quiet, having only a few words to say, and stops crying out the words Christ quoted on the cross "My God, my god, why have you forsaken me?"
At this point the person stops imagining castles in the sky, and pursuing foolish ideas, and his reasoning becomes calm and relaxed, with all choices removed, becasuse the only choice has now become the purpose of God. Also, his emotions are weaned away from other people and things, becoming deadened so that nothing can hurt, offend, hinder, or get in his way. He can now let the circumstances be what they may, and continue to seek only God and His will, with the calm assurance that He is causing everything int eh universe, whether good or bad, past or present, to work "for the good of those who love him" (Rom 8:28)
The main thing is to suffer without becoming discouraged. Fracois Fenelon
The heart that serves, and loves, and clings,
Hears everywhere the rush of angel wings.

Now, doesn't that prove that God still shouts when we ask for it? :D