The House of God - by Bro. Chan
Usually when Brother Chan speaks, his messages are profound, and i can't help but feel sleepy during his sermons. Only a few times am I awake for his messages. What kept me awake before was the knowledge that he was already old yet God still used him mightily. And I could not but marvel at how God's miracle had given him strength to preach that long in the pulpit. I really dreaded that I would fall asleep any time during his sermons. But miraculously, I found his messages most inspiring and led me to tears if you really held on to what he said.
First off, he said that God wanted a dwelling place. The heavens and the earth are merely his "office" and His footstool. His dwelling place (spiritually) is composed of men. Thus during creation, we were created specially (with the breath of life) to receive God himself. Characteristics of his dwelling place is as follows: a) we must be able to manifest God himself. b) God must occupy the preeminent position - in short, nothing challenges His authority. c) God must be able to REST. The house of God is where both God AND man are BOTH present. If God were alone, then there is the Heavens and the Earth to fit that description. But what God wants is His dwelling place.
What most touched me was this point: God didn't reveal his heart to anyone. But he revealed it to Moses. Thus the ark and the tabernacle were built. The Israelites, by Moses' stern direction, placed God in his highest regard. Yet when they entered Canaan, NO ONE bothered to build God a house. Each Israelite went to his inheritance and built his own home. No one even cared if God lived in a tent while everyone is safely nested in his 4-walled cemented house. Yet God didn't react. He didn't demand that they should build him a palace. In short, He kept quiet.
During this time, Bro Chan grew extremely quiet. I looked left and right and saw people sleeping and yawning. Yet i felt that this was the climax of the message. What i felt was that he was about to descend the pulpit and shake each and everyone during that congregation and tell them what God's heart desire was. I could only look at myself and see what a selfish person I was. I likewise am just like an Israelite. Most of the time I only pray for my needs and the needs of others become secondary. The needs of God were forgotten. The Church - or the house of God was in the least of my priorities. Yet all the while God remained quiet. He needed me to initiate on my part. To know and touch His heart's desire.
The pastor continues. The time of David came. David was a "man after God's own heart". Now why did the Bible brand him as such? Because during his lifetime, his heart's desire was to build a house for God. And eventhough it was Solomon his son who built it, God knew he had a pure heart. That's why God was pleased with him. In all the Bible characters, I must admit that David was my favorite character. He was not the most perfect person unlike Joseph and Daniel and others. He committed adultery, murder, lies and was weak in some times. But he knew how to touch God's heart. That's the secret to his success. In today's time, God's dwelling place is not in the manmade temple anymore. But it is built in us Christians who serve Him.
I often look down on my abilities and often say that service is only for the gifted. But Bro Chan told us that NO ONE HAS A COMPLETE GIFT, BUT NO ONE HAS NOT BEEN GIVEN A GIFT. Less we puff up and say that we had been serving for a lot of years and look down on others. But it also reminds me that I have no excuse not to serve in God's house. and I should be concerned for the welfare of God's family.